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Toddler Club

The Toddler Club at KIS provides every child with a warm, positive, and safe environment! All our Toddler Club students explore their full potential through Play-Based learning.

Early Learning Center

Play-based learning is a type of early childhood education based on child-led and open-ended play. The play itself is a voluntary, enjoyable activity with no purpose or end goal. Believe it or not, activities like this lay the foundation for a child to become a curious and excited learner later in life.


Our classrooms are designed to help your child make significant developmental gains, like communicating successfully and working well both independently and in groups. This programme is full of challenges and fun which engages the child to improve thinking, reasoning, and communicating.

Pre-Kaspi Course

The Pre-Kaspi school preparation course is designed to assist newly admitted students to make a successful and smooth transition into studying and learning at Kaspi International School, where English is a language of instruction. Along with English Language, students will acquire Math knowledge, self–management, research and thinking skills.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.

Michael Jordan

Extracurricular activities

Curriculum goals for the early childhood program involve creating an environment with many opportunities for growth in social emotional and cognitive development, emergent literacy, social studies, science and technology, mathematical thinking, physical development and health.

STEAM / Robotics

Curriculum goals for the early childhood program involve creating an environment with many opportunities for growth in social emotional and cognitive development, emergent literacy, social studies, science and technology, mathematical thinking, physical development and health.

What Our Parents Say

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Əminə Özkundakçı

Doğru eğitimin ve öğretimin yaşamımızın her anında önemli olduğu bir dönemde samimi, içten, güler yüzlü ve bilgili öğretmenlerimizle her zaman daha da ileri gitmeyi hedefleyen çocuklar yetiştiren "Kaspi International school"-un öğrencisi ve velisi olmaktan mutluyuz.

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Franko Rizzato

I wanted to express my gratitude towards Kaspi International school, for a great job that the school teachers, and management. Alessandro is happy, growing fast and with great balance, understanding the good values of life and acknowledgment. I wish you and all the team, great work. keeping up the good work.

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Emin Soltanov

"Kaspi International School"-dan əvvəl övladımızın təhsil həyatı Kaspi International Kindergarten ilə başlamışdır. Mehriban və səriştəli müəllim heyəti, sağlam təhsil mühiti və motivasiyalı öyrətmə metodu ilə Kaspi ailəsi ilə hal-hazırda da yola davam etməkdəyik. Biz bir valideyn kimi övladımızın bu təhsil müəssisəsində təhsil almağından razıyıq, çünki liseydə nəinki beynəlxalq metodlarla, müasir yanaşmalarla tədris təşkil olunur, eyni zamanda, çağdaş dünyada elmin qapısı hesab olunan ingilis dilini öz doğma dili kimi mənimsəyir. Hər bir valideyn kimi bizim də arzumuz və istəyimiz övladlarımızın vətəninə və xalqına faydalı şəxs olaraq yetişmələri və onların xoşbəxt gələcəklərinin olmasıdır. Əlbəttə, bu cür təhsil müəssisələrində onların təhsil almaları bizi bu arzu və niyyətlərimizə yaxınlaşmağımıza daha da yaxından təsir edəcəyinə inanırıq.

Our Partners

We work closely with our partners. Our partners always support us to do our work better.

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